Ta is considered by many in the art world as one to watch.

Ta Byrne

Tranquillity (2025)

51.2x70.9 in ~ Painting, Oil

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My love for abstract art has always been a deep inspiration. It's a style  I've found challenging, as it requires me to strip away characters and leave  only emotions and feelings. This struggle has fuelled my dedication to the art form. 

To paint abstracts is more complicated than painting my people its like a puzzle the artist should let the collector find the meanings in the paintings.

Over the years I have toyed with painting abstracts but never been completely happy until now I want people who know my work to look at my abstracts and say, that’a a Ta painting and now I think Ive achieved that and I now know the time is right for me to paint abstracts and I’m working on a new collection for 2025. 

Someone once said of my work. 'I often wonder why people worldwide acquire Ta's work and speak and write such beautiful things about her art. Something in the painting must make someone want to hang it on their wall and live with it for a long time.


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