39.4x35.4 in ~ Painting, Oil
How my Eggs came about.
In April 2017, I wanted something to change my world, a painting that would make that happen. I wanted something I’d never seen before in the art world. I used to sit for hours late at night thinking about what to paint to make that change. It was Egg lady wearing a scarf that made that change.
02 / 10 / 2023 I signed a book contract for my manuscript Egg Island; it's now going through the publishing process and will be in print next year in Hardback Paperback (illustrated) and E-Book Editions.
Egg Island is full of characters and strange things, but do not be alarmed because it’s normal here. Apart from the Egg people, dolphins, including a giant one as big as a ship and one even bigger asleep at the bottom of the sea. Baboons who think they own the place; firebugs as big as coconuts who light up the village; giant turtles who protect the kids when swimming; coconut crabs, bright orange with cat-like habits who like their belly scratched; little bees with big eyes always sharing honey and mushrooms that produce eggs.