35.4x39.4 in ~ Painting, Oil
Ta's paintings hang in private and public collection round the world. Including some iconic places like; Amsterdam, Bangkok, Berlin, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dubai, Frankfurt, Geneva, Hamburg, Hong Kong, London, Munich, Monte Carlo, Malibu Beach, Monaco, New York, Nice, Paris, Rome, Sydney, Shanghai, Zurich & Taiwan.
With influences from Lowry to Botticelli I love painting people, but I do not want to paint just portraits, I want my people to have a bit of character, a little of the night about them, coming from my dreams my imagination.
I am an accomplished fine portrait artist, but my real passion is in colour and how the arrangement of colour can produce a different emotional experience of art. I want original and striking paintings which draw the viewer in, which makes them stop…to then see more than the initial work form and colour.
I have always been fascinated by artists who pushed the boundaries, who experimented who changed the art world, my art explores many styles, from Modernism through Impressionism, Expressionism and Cubism.
Reproductions, Canvas prints, Metal Print